An announcement and a few questions

To those who know me, this will come as no surprise, but MelloPanther’s first convention formally will be Tekkoshocon X-2 April 3-5 in Pittsburgh, PA.  I say “formally” because I’ve been helping out that convention since 2005 when I was just a wee little staff peon.  In 2006, I did my first panel and the rest, as they say, is history.  I hope to be meeting a lot of old and new friends there, and I hope you, dear reader, will be one of them.

In order to prepare for Tekkoshocon, I’ve made a survey for one of my game shows.  If you could, please take some time to fill it out.  By doing so, you help support MP, and if the response is big and positive enough, I may make more!

Thank you for helping, and hope to see you in April!

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